PLAYOGRAPHYIreland comprises two comprehensive online searchable databases and catalogues: Irish Playography (all new Irish plays produced in English since the formation of the National Theatre in 1904) and Playography na Gaeilge (all new Irish plays produced in Irish since 1901).
PLAYOGRAPHYIreland not only defines the Irish theatrical repertoire for the first time but also aims to revitalise that repertoire by reintroducing many lost scripts and providing a gateway for locating and clearing rights for all existing scripts. As PLAYOGRAPHYIreland allows writers to attach downloadable versions of their plays to the database, it is also acts as an online script repository.
The catalogue Irish Playography was launched in three phases: Phase I (1975-2003) following two and half years of extensive research; then Phase II (1950 – 2005) and finally Phase III (1904-1949) in July 2006.This database is updated on an on-going basis.
The Playography na Gaeilge catalogue was also launched in phases: Phase I, 1975 – 2009 in April 2010, and 1901 – 1974 in May 2011. This database is updated on an ongoing basis.
PLAYOGRAPHYIreland catalogues are complemented by analyses of their contents.
To date the following reports are avaliable to download in our Publications section.
PLAYOGRAPHYIreland – Findings Report of Playography na Gaeilge 1901-2010 – a bilingual version. Published May 2011.
PLAYOGRAPHYIreland – Findings Report of Playography na Gaeilge 1975-2009 in English. Published April 2010.
PLAYOGRAPHYIreland – Findings Report of Playography na Gaeilge 1975-2009 in Irish. Published April 2010.
The Irish Playography – Findings Report 1904-2006. Published 2006.