Alun Owen
Set in the outbuilding of a monastery in a Spanish-American Republic shortly after the American Civil War(1860's).
A group of mercenary soldiers are fighting a war in a Spanish American Republic shortly after the American Civil War. To win the war the Victor must capture a particular pass - which is dominated by a monastery, a monatery which may be of huge significance to the Catholic CHurch but which is also situated on sacred Indian ground. A decision needs to be taken - Destroy the Monastery and take the pass or....? The big question here is whether the destruction of a religious Shrine can be justified by military expediency.
Plays General
18 May 1959
3Olympia Theatre
All Territories
All Rights
Felix de Wolfe
Manfield House,376-378 Strand,London, WC2R 0LREngland
+44 - 020 - 7379 5767
The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme.