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The Player Queen

A play in two scenes by W B Yeats


  • Playwright

    William Butler Yeats 

  • Setting

    An open place in a town, before dawn. The Throne-room in the Queen's palace.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts

    One Act

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


  • Cast Notes

    Principal cast is as above with doubling on two of the named male roles. There are also Citizens (4 etc), Countrymen (3 etc) and Players (5 etc) with some doubling in the programme.

Original Production

Original Cast  
Old Beggar Michael J. Dolan
Big Countryman Ambrose Power
Peter of the Purple Pelican Tony Quinn (1)
Happy Tom Peter Nolan
Bishop Peter Nolan
Third Old Man R C Murray
Septimus Arthur Shields
Stage Manager Philip Guiry
Second Old Man Philip Guiry
First Old Man Barry Fitzgerald
Decima Christine Hayden
Tapster F J McCormick
Old Woman Maureen Delaney
Prime Minister Eric Gorman
Nona May Craig
Queen Shena Tyrconnell
Production Team  
Produced by Lennox Robinson
Painting by Sean Barlow
Designer Lennox Robinson

Published Scripts

  • Title

    The Collected Plays of W.B. Yeats

  • Year


  • Published By

    Macmillan and Co.

  • Address


  • ISBN


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