Lady Gregory
Opens in an enchanted forest.
The guardian spirit of the royal family appears to young Brian and offers him immortal love and happiness if he turns his back on his duty to Ireland. He refuses the offer. The first act shows Brian many years later. He is an old man who has spent his life at war, but with the belief that peace will be restored. Queen Gormleith and her husband Malachi then appear. The Queen leaves her husband for Brian, the more powerful king, but then betrays him by vowing to give herself to the Danes. Brian's son is then offered the same promise by the spirit that appeared at the opening. He is told he has one hour to live and yet still heroically refuses the offer. The play ends with Brian and Murrough contemplating their deaths.
Plays General
Cast doubling is possible. See original production for details.
25 March 1905
Produced by Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
Selected Plays of Lady Gregory
Colin Smythe Ltd.
P.O. Box 6Gerrards CrossBuckinghamshire SL9 8XAEngland
+ 44 1753 886000
The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and Ireland's Abbey Theatre: A History 1899-1951 by Lennox Robinson, with additional information from press cuttings of the time.