S.R. Day G D Cummins
Rural Ireland.
A play about a wealthy bachelor with a number of spinsters lining up to take his hand (and his fortune) in marriage. A ghost, meanwhile, intervenes and tries to convince the bachelor to marry the one that he himself admires.
Plays General
26 February 1917
Produced by Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
Fox and Geese, a comedy in 3 acts, by SR Day and GD Cummins
DublinRepublic of Ireland
No Information Available. ITI's researchers have examined this play entry with care and no further information has yet been found. If you have further details on this entry please contact us.
The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and Ireland's Abbey Theatre: A History 1899-1951 by Lennox Robinson, with additional information from press cuttings of the time.