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Stitched Up


  • Playwright

    Rosemary Jenkinson 

  • Synopsis

    A surgeon, Aidan, is reaching meltdown with his career. His wife, Kate, is meanwhile preoccupied with her own campaign to remove the peace walls around Belfast, not to mention the arrival of Bono! But one night when Aidan is alone, he is forced to make a life-or-death decision that could change everything.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
Aidan Kane Richard Clements
Kate McAllister Roisín Gallagher
Ruari Darren Franklin
Production Team  
Director Stephen Kelly (2)
Set Designer Gillian Argo
Lighting Designer James C. McFetridge
Costume Designer Christine Boyle
Sound Designer James Kennedy(1)
Assistant Director Pamela Cassells
Project Manager Peigi Fisher
Stage Manager Sophie Duffin
Assistant Stage Manager Aaron Kelly
Set Construction Gus Mawhinney
Tour Assistant Stage Manager Laura Hamill
PR Darryl Campbell
PR Jackie Logan
Graphic Design DEADFLATMATT Design Services
Photography Charles McQuillan
Production Photography Neil Harrison
Image Designer Robin Cordiner
Video Promotion Eugene McVeigh
Video Promotion David Hutchinson
Purchase this script

Rights Information

  • Territory

    All Territories

  • Rights Type

    All Rights

  • Contact

    Rosemary Jenkinson

  • Address

    c/o Lyric Theatre
    55 Ridgeway Street
    Belfast BT9 5FB
    Northern Ireland

  • Phone

    +44 (0)2890385685

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the play's original production programme.