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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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Kalahari Blues


  • Playwright

    Miriam Gallagher 

  • Notes

    Kalahari Blues was originally presented as a companion piece to two other one act plays, under the title A Prime Location, which charted the comic histories and changing fortunes of a Dublin Georgian House, from its nineteenth century glory, through its decay into flatland housing and on to its early 21st Century rediscovery by boom-time Dublin.

  • Synopsis

    Kalahari Blues is set in a rundown squat in a Georgian Mansion where two young artists, a writer and painter manqué, are visited by a strange couple representing a dot.com firm who have bought the house as a base for a virtual reality business.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts

    One Act

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

  • Date of First Production

    15 October 2001

  • Producer

    Produced by Galloglass Theatre Company

  • Venue Notes

    First performed at the Church of Ireland Parochial Hall, Clonmel, County Tipperary.

Original Cast  
Jason John Anthony Murphy
Liam Ciarán Taylor
Afric Una MacNulty
Sam Anne-Marie McAuley
Production Team  
Director Theresia Guschlbauer
Designer Anna Fleischle
Lighting Designer Paul Denby
Composer Denis Clohessy
Production Manager David Teevan
Assistant Production Manager Ian Wilford
Stage Manager Katherine Mahony
Assistant Stage Manager Triona Ward
Lighting Operator Ian Wilford
Set Construction Take Bijlsma
Set Construction Tony Glavin
Scenic Artist Anne Meehan
Scenic Artist Eimear King
Wardrobe Ann O'Mahony
Costume Construction Denis Darcy
Costume Construction Jacinta Weymouth
Lighting Technician Andrew Cummins
Lighting Technician Orla Burke
PR Coman Kenny
Graphic Design Eimear Gallagher
Graphic Design Sheena Power
Photography Shay Byrne

Published Scripts

Rights Information

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and promotional flyer.