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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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Glory Be to the Father


  • Playwright

    Conal Creedon 

  • Setting

    Mossie's Bedsit. 3:00am.

  • Synopsis

    Mossie Buckley and his mother had only one thing in common - neither of them knew their father. Now faced with the imminent prospect of fatherhood, Mossie struggles to discover a personal sense of family through the recollections of his youth, his nostalgia conjured up through a blend of magic realism and the surreal.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
Mossie Frank Mackey
Br. Tierney Donncha Crowley
Uncle Jojo Pascal Scott
Sis Rita Evelyn Smyth
Grandda Terry Byrne
Production Team  
Director Ben Hennessy
Designer Cliff Dolliver
Producer Liam Rellis
Lighting Designer Jim Daly
Costume Designer Mona Manahan
Assistant Director Jan O'Sullivan
Assistant Lighting Designer Andrew Cummins
Production Manager Liz Honan
Stage Manager John Grubb
Sound Technician Dave Curran
Scenic Artist Sinead Fox
Engineer Harry Hannon
Crew Dave Curran
Crew Liam Hoban
PR Catherine Collins
PR Liam Rellis
Graphic Design Intacta Print
Graphic Design Ben Hennessy
Photography Gerry O'Carroll
Administrator Catherine Collins
Administrator Aine Sheil

Unpublished Scripts

  • Contact

    Conal Creedon

  • Address

    1 Debonshire Street
    Republic of Ireland

  • Phone

    + 353 (0)21 450 4142

Rights Information

  • Territory

    All Territories

  • Rights Type

    All Rights

  • Contact

    Conal Creedon

  • Address

    1 Debonshire Street
    Republic of Ireland

  • Phone

    + 353 (0)21 450 4142

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production and promotional flyer. Additional information was supplied by Red Kettle Theatre Company.