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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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  • Playwright

    Brian Friel 

  • Setting

    A run-down café in Moscow in the early 1920s.

  • Notes

    Afterplay was originally produced alongside 'The Bear' (listed separately) under the general title 'Two Plays After'.

  • Synopsis

    Afterplay revisits the lives of two of characters, Andrey Prozorov and Sonya Serebriakova, who had a previous existence in two separate Chekhov plays, Three Sister and Uncle Vanya respectively. Both characters are now middle-aged, but cannot escape the circumstances of their earlier lives; Andrey is still an only boy, confused, motherless and living in the remote rural town of Taganrog; Sonya is still deeply and hopelessly in love with the local doctor. Andrey now takes the train regularly from Taganrog to Moscow, allegedly to play as a violinist at the opera, Sonya is in Moscow to negotiate with the Ministry for Agriculture to try to save what's left of her dwindling estate. They meet by chance for one evening, twenty years after their previous fictional lives ended.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts

    One Act

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
Andrey Prozorov John Hurt
Sonya Screbriakova Penelope Wilton
Production Team  
Director Robin Lefevre
Designer Liz Ascroft
Lighting Designer Mick Hughes
Production Manager James McConnell
Production Co-ordinator Val Keogh
Stage Director Leo McKenna
Assistant Stage Manager Kenneth Kelly (1)
Assistant Stage Manager Nicola Hughes
Technician Brian Rudden
Technician David Carpenter
Set Construction Theatre Production Services
Scenic Artist Liz Barker
Wardrobe Supervisor Joy Gleeson
Costume Construction Annie Cartwright
Wardrobe Assistant Valerie Dempsey
Costume Construction Janet O'Leary
Tailor Des Leech
Photography Tom Lawlor (1)
Hair and Wigs Anne Dunne
Company Director Michael Colgan (1)
Company Deputy Director Marie Rooney
Company Deputy Director Anne Clarke

Published Scripts

Rights Information

  • Territory

    All Territories

  • Rights Type

    All Rights

  • Contact

    The Agency

  • Address

    24 Pottery Lane, Holland Park
    London W11 4LZ

  • Phone

    + 44 (0)20 7727 1346

  • Email


  • Website


Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and promotional flyer.