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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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Something Goes, Something Stays


  • Playwright

    John Maher 

  • Synopsis

    An experimental integration of the visual with the spoken arts.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts

    One Act

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Total


Original Production

  • Date of First Production

    12 May 1975

  • Producer

    Produced by Lantern Theatre Club

  • Venue Notes

    Performed at the Lantern Theatre Club at 38 Merrion Square East, Dublin.

Original Cast  
Artist Paul Raynor
Monk Fred Johnson
Harlequin Jason Sommer
Production Team  
Director John Maher

Unpublished Scripts

Rights Information

  • Not Found

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from unpublished research material.