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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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The Barber of Seville


  • Playwright

    Lord Longford 

  • Adapted / Translated From

    Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

  • Author Notes

    Translation of the French play by Pierre Beaumarchais written in 1775, and originally entitled Le Barbier de Séville
  • Setting

    Seville 1775

  • Synopsis

    The wily Figaro used to be Count Almaviva's valet and is enlisted in the Count's attempts to woo the fair Rosina, ward of his rival Doctor Bartolo.

  • Play Type


    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
Count Almaviva Christopher Casson
Attendant Diarmuid O'Tuatha
Attendant James Phelan
Wideawake Jack Gallagher
Youthful John Kelly (1)
Notary John Biggerstaff
Figaro Michael Ripper
Doctor Bartolo Hamlyn Benson
Don Basilio Cecil Brock
Magistrate Dan O'Connell(2)
Rosina Cathleen Delany
Attendant John Graven Hughes
Production Team  
Settings by Carl Bonn
Costumes Lord Longford
Musician Gretta Smith
Musician Alice Brough
Produced by John Izon

Published Scripts

Rights Information

  • No Information Available. ITI's researchers have examined this play entry with care and no further information has yet been found. If you have further details on this entry please contact us.

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme