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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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The Vineyard


  • Playwright

    Lord Longford 

  • Setting

    Hannah's House at Zarephath in Phoenicia. A pavilion on Mount Carmel. The Desert. Ahab's palace.

  • Synopsis

    The Old Testament story of Naboth's Vineyard, which Lord Longford aligns with the larger story of the Prophet Elijah's conflict with King Ahab and Queen Jezabel. Naboth is a farmer whose vineyard is covetted by King Ahab as a herb garden. He refuses to give it up, but the King's courtier, Aram, comes up with a way for Ahab to seize the land.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


  • Cast Notes

    Four of the male roles are doubled up.

Original Production

  • Date of First Production

    16 March 1943

  • Production Notes

    The names in "The Vineyard" are all given in the Hebrew form. In some translations Elijah is called Elias, Ahab, Achab and Obadiah, Abdias.
  • Producer

    Presented by Longford Productions

  • Original Venue

    Gate Theatre/Amharclann an Gheata

Original Cast  
Obadiah Christopher Casson
Ahab T. St. John Barry
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Dermot Walsh
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Peter Leech
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Donal McGregor
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Denis Murray
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Pat O'Reilly (1)
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Pat Delahunty
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Gerald Griffiths
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Jack Mangan
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Una Gibbons
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Lally O'Callaghan
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Doreen Keogh
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Ursula Fogarty
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Victor Carr
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Noel Delaney
Abel Daphne Carroll
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Daphne Carroll
Elijah Ronald Ibbs
Hannah Maureen Halligan
Jezabel Doris Finn
Ethan Cecil Brock
Aram Michael Ripper
Zephon John Biggerstaff
An Angel of the Lord John Biggerstaff
Athaliah Bonnie Fagan
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Pauline Clarke
Naboth John Kelly (1)
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Jack Gallagher
Guards, Attendants, Israelites Olivia Fogarty
Production Team  
Settings by Carl Bonn
Costume Designer Carl Bonn
Musician Gretta Smith
Musician Alice Brough
Musician Margaret McNamee
Produced by John Izon
Manager Lord Longford
Secretary Maureen Naish-Gray

Published Scripts

  • Title

    The Vineyard, being the story of Elijah, Ahab & Jezebel, a drama in three acts

  • Year


  • Published By

    Hodges, Figgis & Co.

  • Address

    Republic of Ireland

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Rights Information

  • No Information Available. ITI's researchers have examined this play entry with care and no further information has yet been found. If you have further details on this entry please contact us.

Source Of Information