George Fitzmaurice
The scheming matchmaker Michael Clancy is determined to make his fortune by marrying off Billeen Twomey to one of two available women, and will stop at nothing to have his devious way. Billeen, however, has other ideas...
Plays General
One Act
08 March 1923
Produced by Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
Abbey Theatre/Amharclann na Mainistreach
The Plays of George Fitzmaurice, Volume Three ( Introduced by Howard K. Slaughter)
Dolmen Press
Republic of Ireland
All Territories
All Rights
The George Fitzmaurice Society
c/o Dr. Fiona Brennan (trustee)ScrahanKnocknagree, County CorkRepublic of Ireland
087 6494409
The information for this entry was taken from Ireland's Abbey Theatre: A History 1899-1951 by Lennox Robinson, with additional information from press cuttings of the time.