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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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Before Monsters Were Made


  • Playwright

    Ross Dungan 

  • Synopsis

    You see, people forever say history is written by the victors. It's not. It's written by those who can shape the simplest narrative. David is a man struggling to hold together his marriage when the small town he lives in is rocked by the sudden, untimely death of a local girl. As details are uncovered, rumours and talk take hold of the town, and start to force David to revisit old memories. Set in 1960s Ireland, Before Monsters Were Made tells the story of how a few small words can have a very big impact. When suspicion and old stories start to spread like a virus, how well do we know the people we trust the most? Can we ever know what goes on inside other people's lives? And do we really want to?

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


  • Cast Notes

    In the original production, 2 child actors played the role of Maggie on alternate nights.

Original Production

Original Cast  
Jackie Colgan Janice Byrne
David Colgan Peter Coonan
Vincent Colgan Lorcan Cranitch
Abigail Colgan Orla Fitzgerald
Graham Colgan Manus Halligan
Maggie Colgan Zena Donnelly
Maggie Colgan Ava McKevitt
Production Team  
Director Ben Kidd
Producer Matthew Smyth
Costume Designer Fern McCauley
Set & Lighting Designer Zia Bergin-Holly
Production Manager Trevor O'Connell
Stage Manager Marella Boschi
Assistant Stage Manager Briony Morgan
Graphic Design David Duff
Chaperone Aoife Minto
Photography Lucy Nuzum
Publicity Sabrina Sheehan
Publicity Katie Hogan
Props Fern McCauley
Composer/Sound Designer Alma Kelliher

Published Scripts

  • Title

    Before Monsters Were Made

  • Year


  • Published By


  • Address

    Head Office, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road
    London SW1V 1EJ

  • Phone

    + 44 (0)20 7798 1600

  • Website


  • ISBN


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Rights Information

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the published play script.