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House Under Green Shadows


  • Playwright

    Maurice G. Meldon 

  • Setting

    Set in the study of Tullakeevan House in the Summer of 1949.

  • Synopsis

    Florence and Edward Carten are brother and sister and a gulf of mistrust lies between them. It's 1910. Tullakeevan House, a big house in the old tradition, is falling asunder; the lake is full of rushes, the orchard full of brambles and trees and weeds are masters of all. Edward is struggling with time, taxes and a new social order whilst Florence's mind fails to recover from a thwarted love affair from forty years ago.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
Walter Marron Bill Foley
Canon J. Brampton Edward Golden
Ronald Hartwell Ronnie Walsh
Mrs. Barth Marie Kean
Edward Carten Michael J. Dolan
Dr. D. Teal Brian O'Higgins
Florence Carten May Craig
Berenice Halton Doreen Madden
Production Team  
Settings by Vere Dudgeon
Produced by Ria Mooney
Stage Manager Udolphus Wright

Rights Information

  • No Information Available. ITI's researchers have examined this play entry with care and no further information has yet been found. If you have further details on this entry please contact us.

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme.