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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


Edward Golden


Also known as Éamonn Ó Guallaí. A professional actor who performed in productions with the Abbey in Dublin, with the Edwards-MacLiammóir company, London and New York. He trained at "The Loft", now known as the Cork Shakespearean Society, in Cork and also studied under Daniel Corkery in UCC.


Play Title Playwright
Suirí Le Caitríona Edward Golden William Shakespeare


Play Title Playwright
A Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant Tom Murphy (1)
A Leap in the Dark Hugh Leonard
A Light In the Sky Donal Giltinan
A Matter of Practice Cyril Daly
A Right Rose Tree Michael Joseph (M.J.) Molloy
A Riverside Charade Bryan Walter Guinness
A Sunset Touch Michael Mulvihill
Ag Baint Lae As Seán Tóibín George Shiels
Aisling as Tír na nÓg Eoghan Ó Tuairisc Micheál Mac Conmara
An Cailín Bán Liam Ó Briain Dion Boucicault
An Ciste Tógála Piaras Mac Lochlainn William Boyle
An Claíomh Soluis Eoghan Ó Tuairisc Antoine de Buitléir
An Fear Óg Umhal Malda Eoin Ó Súilleabháin Betty Barr Gould Stevens
An Sciath Draíochta Tomás Mac Anna
Anyone Could Rob A Bank Tom Coffey
Ar Buille a hOcht Tomás Mac Anna
Bláithín agus an Mac Rí Tomás Mac Anna Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha Caoimhghín Ó Conghaile
Copperfaced Jack John O'Donovan (1)
Cry For Help Ernest Gébler
Dearly Beloved Roger John O'Donovan (1)
Death Is For Heroes Michael Judge
Deoraíocht Macdara Ó Fátharta Pádraic Ó Conaire
Design For A Headstone Séamus Byrne
Diarmuid agus Balor Antoine de Buitléir Eoghan Ó Tuairisc
Do Thrushes Sing In Birmingham? Liam Lynch
Emer agus an Laoch Niall Tóibín Edward Golden Dónal Ó Cuill Seosamh Mac Giolla Eoin
Epitaph Under Ether Tom Murphy (1) John Millington (J.M.) Synge
Fernando agus an Ríon Óg
Fiche Blian ag Fás Colm Ó Dálaigh Muiris Ó Súilleabháin
Flann agus Clemintín Antoine de Buitléir Seán Mac Domhnaill
Fleadh Pádhraig Ó Giollagáin
Gale Day Eugene McCabe
Glittering Spears Tomás Mac Anna
Gráinne na Long Eoghan Ó Tuairisc
Gunna Cam agus Slabhra Óir Seán Ó Tuama
Home is the Hero Walter Macken
House Under Green Shadows Maurice G. Meldon
Hut 42 John B. Keane
I Know Where I'm Going John McCann (1)
In Dublin's Fair City Críostóir Ó Floinn
Innocent Bystander Séamus Byrne
Is Glas iad na Cnuic Lennox Robinson
John Courtney John Malone
Judgement on James O'Neill Francis MacManus
Knocknavain John Mains (J.M.) Doody
Let the Ravens Feed Joe O'Donnell
Look In The Looking Glass Walter Macken
Mac Uí Rudaí Máiréad Ní Ghráda
Na Cloigíní Mairéad Nic Mhaicín
Niall Agus Carmelita
No Man Is An Island Peter Hutchinson
Oisín i dTír na n-Óg Liam Ó Ceallaigh
One For The Grave Louis MacNeice
Prisoner of the Crown Richard S. Stockton
Put A Beggar on Horseback John McCann (1)
Réamonn agus Niamh Óg Tomás Mac Anna
Rhyming Couplets Kevin Grattan
Setanta agus an Chú Tomás Mac Anna
Seven Men and a Dog Niall Sheridan
Sonia agus an Bodach Caoimhghín Ó Conghaile Tomás Mac Anna Pádraig Ó Siochfhradha
Strange Occurence on Ireland's Eye Denis Johnston
Stranger Beware Tom Coffey
Suirí Le Caitríona Edward Golden William Shakespeare
Tarry Flynn P. J. O'Connor Patrick Kavanagh
The Barracks Hugh Leonard John McGahern
The Best of Motives Sean Dowling
The Big Birthday Hugh Leonard
The Bird in the Net Sean Dowling
The Call Tom Coffey
The Conspiracy Kenneth E.L. Deale
The Devil a Saint Would Be Louis d'Alton
The Devil at Work Constantine Fitzgibbon
The Enemy Within Brian Friel
The Evidence I Shall Give Richard Johnson (2)
The Freedom of the City Brian Friel
The Goldfish in the Sun Donal Giltinan
The Half-Millionaire John O'Donovan (1)
The Honey Spike Bryan MacMahon
The Irishwoman of the Year John Power
The Last Eleven Jack White
The Less We Are Together John O'Donovan (1)
The Life and Times of Benvenuto Cellini Hugh Carr
The Risen People James Plunkett
The Saint and Mary Kate Mary Manning (1) Frank O'Connor
The Shaws of Synge Street John O'Donovan (1)
The Song of the Anvil Bryan MacMahon
The Vicar of Wakefield Tom Murphy (1) Oliver Goldsmith
The Wanton Tide Niall Carroll
The Will And The Way Michael Joseph (M.J.) Molloy
The Wooing of Duvessa Michael Joseph (M.J.) Molloy
This Other Eden Louis d'Alton
Ulysses agus Penelope Eoghan Ó Tuairisc
Ulysses in Nighttown Marjorie Barkentin James Joyce
Volunteers Brian Friel
Waiting Night P.S. Loughlin
Window on the Square Anne Daly
Winter Wedding Tomás Mac Anna

Lyrics by

Play Title Playwright
An Sciath Draíochta Tomás Mac Anna
Luaitear freisin Tom Coffey, Edward Golden, Antoine de Buitléar agus Earnán de Blaghd mar údair.
Diarmuid agus Balor Eoghan Ó Tuairisc Antoine de Buitléir
Niall Agus Carmelita Ní luaitear údar.
Oisín i dTír na n-Óg Liam Ó Ceallaigh
Athchóiriú ar sheanscéal Fiannaíochta.

Produced by

Play Title Playwright
At Bantry James McKenna
Twilight of a Warrior Walter Macken