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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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The London Vertigo


  • Playwright

    Brian Friel 

  • Author Notes

    Based on Charles Macklin's original play 'The True Born Irishman' or 'The Irish Fine Lady'.
  • Setting

    The drawing-room in Murrough O'Doherty's Dublin home on an afternoon and evening in September 1761.

  • Synopsis

    The London Vertigo tells the story of Mrs O’Dogherty/Diggerty who is forced to reform her behaviour by dropping her newly acquired Anglophile habits and language use to transform into 'The Irish Fine Lady'. Her concomitant giving up of colonial mimicry and changing back to 'decent Dublin domesticity' unwittingly rewrites the original author’s own biography as comedy and farce.

  • Play Type


    Number Of Acts

    One Act

  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

  • Date of First Production

    23 January 1992

  • Producer

    Produced by Gate Theatre

  • Original Venue

    Andrews Lane Theatre

  • Venue Notes

    This Gate Theatre Production was performed in Andrew's Lane Theatre while the Gate was being refurbished.

Original Cast  
Murrough O'Doherty John Kavanagh (1)
Katty Farrel Antoine Byrne
Mrs Diggerty Gemma Craven
Tom Hamilton Eamon Morrissey
Count Mushroom John Hurt
Production Team  
Director Judy Friel
Designer Monica Frawley
Lighting Designer Rupert Murray
Choreographer Geri O'Kelly
Production Manager Ken Hartnett
Stage Director Lita O'Connell
Assistant Stage Manager Arnold Fanning
Assistant Stage Manager Liz Nugent
Set Construction Galaxy Construction
Costume Construction Nigel Boyd
Costume Construction Anne O'Halloran
Costume Construction Elizabeth Byrne (1)
Chief Electrician Edward Walsh
Photography Tom Lawlor (1)
Wigs by Gabby Dowling
Company Director Michael Colgan (1)
Company Deputy Director Marie Rooney
Company Deputy Director Anne Clarke

Published Scripts

Rights Information

  • Territory

    All Territories

  • Rights Type

    All Rights

  • Contact

    The Agency

  • Address

    24 Pottery Lane, Holland Park
    London W11 4LZ

  • Phone

    + 44 (0)20 7727 1346

  • Email


  • Website


Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme and promotional flyer.