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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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The Lament for Arthur Cleary


  • Playwright

    Dermot Bolger 

  • Synopsis

    The Lament For Authur Cleary is an examination of Ireland in the 1980s - its moneylenders, its unemployment, its exhausting and debilitating emigration.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

Original Cast  
The Friend Lynn Cahill
Arthur Cleary Brendan Laird
The Girl Hilary Fannin
The Frontier Guard Owen Roe
The Porter Berts Folan
Production Team  
Director David Byrne
Designer Ned McLoughlin
Producer Niall O'Baoill
Lighting Designer Paul O'Neill
Costumes Marie Tierney
Music by Gerard Grennell
Office Manager Sharon McGrane
Production Co-ordinator Susan Coughlan
Tour Manager Susan Coughlan
Stage Director Sinead Connolly
Dramaturg Maureen White
Production Assistant Nuala Marchetti
Production Assistant Michael Roche
Production Assistant Liam Cunningham
Set Construction Phelim Connolly
Set Assistant Rod Chichignoud
Scenic Artist Ned McLoughlin
Prop Maker Ned McLoughlin
PR Maeve O'Sullivan (1)
Graphic Design Charlie O'Neill
Photography Fergus Manifold
Photography Enda O'Brien
Programme photography Derek Speirs
Production Advisor Annette Clancy

Published Scripts

Rights Information

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme.