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The Arts Council Playography Na Gaeilge


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Walking the Road


  • Playwright

    Dermot Bolger 

  • Synopsis

    Lance Corporal Francis Ledwidge lost his life in Flanders Fields, 1917, while serving with the British army in WWI. One of Ireland’s finest poets, Ledwidge left the familiarity of his Co. Meath home and loved ones and joined the British army to follow the fate of so many other young men of that doomed generation. Marking the 90th anniversary of the 3rd Battle of Ypres in 1917, this play follows Francis Ledwidge’s final journey as he finds himself ‘walking the road’ alongside all of those who had touched his life.

  • Play Type

    Plays General

    Number Of Acts


  • Cast size

  • Male


  • Female


  • Total


Original Production

  • Date of First Production

    05 June 2007

  • Production Notes

    Produced in association with In Flanders Fields Museum
  • Producer

    Produced by axis: Ballymun

  • Original Venue

    axis: Ballymun

Original Cast  
Performer Colin O'Donoghue
Performer Kelly Hickey
Production Team  
Director Ray Yeates
Set Designer Marie Tierney
Lighting Designer Conleth White
Producer Roisin McGarr
Costume Designer Marie Tierney
Music and Sound by Mark O'Brien (2)
Production Manager Paul Hyland
Stage Manager Marella Boschi
Photography Patrick Redmond

Published Scripts

  • Title

    Walking the Road

  • Year


  • Published By

    New Island Books

  • Address

    2 Brookside, Dundrum Road
    Dublin 14
    Republic of Ireland

  • Phone

    + 353 (0)1 298 9937

  • Email


  • ISBN


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Rights Information

Source Of Information

The information for this entry was taken from the original production programme.